Making life changes can be challenging. As creatures of habit, doing something new or unfamiliar can feel scary no matter what your age. But staying stuck in a job you hate or in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling can be more painful. If you continue to play the role of victim and blame the outside world, your life will not change. When you start taking responsibility for your life, magic happens. 

Our thoughts are run by subconscious beliefs - many of which were formed in childhood. These beliefs could be running your life, and sabotaging your success.

Addictions are often formed from a young age due to unresolved trauma. With Eva’s guided support, you can transform your life by letting go of negative thoughts, behaviours or addictions that are in the way of your success.

Letting go of addictions becomes easier when we discover the source of your trauma or unresolved wounds from the past. These traumas can be released when we uncover their hidden gifts. You also learn how shadow values impact your ability to make changes. Once you become aware of your shadow values, you create change with greater ease.

When your soul grows, you get your mojo back and life becomes joyful. You feel inspired and excited to reach your full potential. The people around you are affected by the positive changes in you. Your health improves and you attract more exciting opportunities. 

The transformational healing program includes a series of 6 one hour sessions to support you in making positive changes in your life. The sessions include life coaching, hypnosis, PSYCH-K and intuitive soul guidance. See this as an optimal investment in your personal development.


"When you grow as a person, your life around you will improve. The people around you will either change for the better or move out of your life and you will attract new opportunities. If you continue to play the role of victim and blame the outside world, you will stay stuck in a rut and experience pain. Pain and illness is usually an indication of emotional wounds that need your attention. It is a message from the soul asking you to make changes in your subconscious thought patterns" Eva


Transformational Healing

Be free of the past and live your soul's journey. Fulfil your highest potential.


at a crossroads in life?

afraid of change? 

holding self-limiting beliefs that are stopping you from moving forward?

aware that fear is controlling your life?


Transformational Coaching Program

Healing, hypnosis, past life healing north shore chatswood